Wheel of the Year Celebrations

Join me and other wyld folk to celebrate the festivals of the Wheel of the Year. Embracing seasonal wisdom and a deeper connection to the cycles of the Earth, to nature beings and to ourselves.

Deep Seasonal Awareness

For many of our ancestors their lives, communities and rituals followed the ancient dance of the seasons. Deep connection to nature was a part of daily life, a source of wisdom and connection the seasons was key to their survival.

In this busy, modern world so many of us have lost this awareness of the seasons and the shifting energies of the year. Nature in it’s ebbs and flows is calling you, can you hear it?

In my own person nature connection journey, I longed for a more cyclical life, one more harmoniously aligned with the Earth’s seasons and my own inner seasons. I found myself drawn to following the festivals Celtic Wheel of the Year.

What is the WHeel of the Year?

With their roots in the fire festivals of the Celts and expanded upon by Neo-pagans, the Wheel of the Year has a cycle of eight festivals to celebrate the natural cycles of the year. These festivals are Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Litha, Lammas, Mabon and Samhain.

Following the cyclical nature of the seasons, tapping into the energies of these shifts and learning about how my celtic ancestors explored the seasons is something that I have found deeply healing and has bought such joy to my life.

I wanted to create a space where people could come together and celebrate the Wheel of the Year, so in Winter 2021 I began to run online Wheel of the Year Celebrations.

What happens at the CELEBRATIONS?

My Wheel of the Year Celebrations have three elements:

  1. A live 90 minute workshop with a welcoming circle, a grounding meditation, introduction to the festival, seasonal observations, themed journaling and space to share your reflections if you wish.
  2. A live themed EcoNIDRA™ session to support your body and mind as you journey with nature beings and the energies of the seasons.
  3. Recordings from previous live sessions for you to access at any time and explore these seasonal shifts at your own speed.

Whilst these festivals are mostly celebrated by pagans, these celebrations are open to anyone of any spiritual practices and are gentle explorations with a strong focus on seasonal cycles and nature. Anyone is welcome to these celebrations!

Prices will be on a tiered scale (£18/£12/£8*) with two free places available.

*some sites charge booking fees, if you wish to avoid these then please email me directly to book your space.


“My six year old daughter and I always enjoy the Wheel of the Year ceremonies immensely! We celebrate every festival on the Wheel of the Year and we have felt taking part in the guided meditations has truly enriched our experience. 

My little one enjoys drawing what she feels as she listens to the journey through tranquil nature sounds. She always says she wants to join in with the next one, and I love being able to share the experience with her and contribute positively to our well being on a regular basis. I find the guided meditation easy to follow and helpful in practicing relaxation, which is an absolute must! Truly enjoyable and beneficial!” – Helen

“Joining in Lizzie’s Ostara meditation, I was the most peaceful I’d felt in a long time. The session slowly brought down the pace from the outside world and by the end I felt so whole and relaxed. Beautiful meditation coupled with some journaling prompts that really marked the change in the seasons.” – Marigold, UK